Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology is used to meet the needs of students with disabilities to create independent access to the general curriculum and the school environment. Assistive Technology needs can be considered during the Response to Intervention(RtI) process and will be included in the Individual Educational Plan (IEP).

Assistive Technology is "any item, piece of equipment or product system... that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities".
-The Assistive Technology Act of 1998

Assistive Technology(AT) that is necessary for individuals with disabilities to access their environment and/or curriculum is supported by a cooperative effort between the student, parent and school staff. Building AT Teams consist of students, parents, special educator and classroom teachers. Building teams along with the Ute Pass BOCES support staff will collaborate to meet students needs though the initial consideration of AT to the assessment, implementation and follow-up of AT .

When considering if a child may be in need of an assistive technology assessment, ask:
"Is the child accessing the environment and/or curriculum independently?"
If no, then follow the referral process and forms.

The referral process first starts with these 7 Steps:

1. Consult with building AT lead and complete screening form.

2. Provide information to the District contact who will call a meeting to review the screening materials.

3. If additional support is needed to provide an AT assessment, the Ute Pass BOCES AT Coordinator will be contacted.

4. The AT Coordinator will arrange a meeting with the appropriate Ute Pass BOCES AT Team members.

5. The assessment will be completed within 30 school days.

6. The AT Team will meet to review outcomes, recommendations and implementation plan based on the assessment.

7. Quarterly reviews will be documented in accordance with the IEP progress reports, 504 accommodation plans and/or RtI intervention plans.

Once these steps have been completed staff should then refer to the Referral Process and Screening Form

Referral Process and Screening Form
Training and Tutorials
Assistive Technology Partners
Directions to ATP Colorado Springs

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